Phuuu, it cost plenty of time and nerves to get a pic where I and one of my sheep are mapped... I chosed Anna because she is the wisest and gutsiest one. I tried to bring her in a good position with some dry bread. She was so cormorant, tried to jump on me, was importunate and pulled out all the stops a sheep could make to get some more bread. All had to go very quickly! Certainly all other sheep wanted the bread too, crowded round me, tried to eat my camera, tried to taste my fingers (there could be some traces of bread anyway...), tried to put their nose into the pocket of my coat where I put the bread in, tried to taste my nose and my trousers. In my haste I erroneously took pictures of me alone (because Anna was elsewhere again), Annas ear, my coat and quite often of blurred nothing.
Finally I managed it!!! I got two useful pics out of it... and here's one.
1 Kommentar:
very cute! hihi...wär gern dabeigewesen bei der Fotoaktion, klingt ja fast komödienreif ;)
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